Somatic Empowerment Workshops: News
BDB e.V. Germany

Healing and Care of the Self for Black and Women of Color
The past months have been filled to the brim with numerous challenges. Not only have BIPOC communities been ravaged disproportionately by the Covid-19 pandemic, but also by the pandemic of racial and social injustices. This pandemic is not new. BIPOC communities have been struggling for far too long to combat the virus known as racism.
In looking at all that has happened since the beginning of 2020, it occurred to me that looking to and calling upon the help of those that travelled this long and weary road before us, may just be the assistance we need right now. We cannot forgot upon whose shoulders we now stand. I believe that now more than ever, that the veneration of our ancestors should be a part of our daily self-care practice. And for those of us who have not yet given this much thought, there are various examples and sources of knowledge and instruction that can help us to make ancestor veneration a beautiful and uplighting element of our spiritual & self-care practice and our lives.
The Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh speaks of the connection between our bodies, mindful breathing and our ancestors. He states that it is possible through the practice of being conscious of our bodies and aware of the breath, that we can recognise the presence of our ancestors in every cell of our bodies.
By incorporating some form of ancestor veneration, we not only enter into to contact with them, but also uphold that for which they stood. With breath work and meditation, we calm our minds and bodies and become receptive to diverse forms of information.
I am certain that our ancestors have important messages for us to hear. Let us take the time to quiet our minds, breathe and take a moment to listen.
The ancestral connection and the ability to communicate with them is one of the themes that we will discuss and work on in the next Circle of Oyá session in September.
Stay tuned for more information.
Wishing you all a wonderful week.
And may you enjoy the protection of your ancestors!
During these challenging times, it is more important than ever to keep the vibration of our mind, bodies and spirits in an elevated state. We are all composed of energy. And all forms of energy has a specific vibration. That is why it is so important to do our best to make sure that our energy vibrates on a high level.
In order to do this we have to practice discipline with our self-care rituals and making sure that we maintain balance on all levels. Daily meditation, yoga, journaling and breath work are only a few of the many ways we can do this. Being part of a community where we can share these practices with others is beneficial and necessary, especially during times like these. This is particularly true for womyn of colour. Our last online gathering of the Circle of Oyá proved to me that this is definitely possible – even when done virtually.
Being creative in whatever form you like is also very important. When we are creative and find ourselves in the “zone”, our vibration is high and we are able to attract other high vibrational frequencies and things to us. And while each and everyone of us will have a moment where we feel this is not possible and will feel ourselves being overtaken by worry and fear; just take a moment and stop and breathe. Mindful breathing is very powerful and can quickly bring us back to a state of calm and peace, which is key to lifting and keeping our vibration clear and high.
On that note, remember to practice self-love by taking care of your “Self”. Your happiness depneds upon it!
Have a wonderful week!
As many of you already know, our lives have changed dramatically due to the spread of the Corona virus. And we should take note that our lives will never be the same after all of this. The imposed lock-down of many cities in various countries across the globe along with the necessity to self-quarantine for those who have been exposed to the virus, has forced many of us to slown down our pace and to become friends with solitude. And while these are very challenging times – cancellation of artistic events, closure public spaces and the lost of income for many free-lancers- I nevetheless see this as an incredible opportunity for us to stop, breathe and take inventory of what is really important in life.
I believe that we are in the midst of a major shift on the planet and practicing various forms of self-care can help us to better navigate the waters of uncertainty. One thing that I have learned along the way is that nothing except change is certain in life. And that what we may believe to be secure in our lives – is in essence an illusion.
My remedy for these challinging times is to step up my self-care practices, especially when feeling overwhelmed and sad about all that is happening. Daily meditation and all forms of movement help me to stay balanced and happy.
With patience and trusting and believing in the saying: “this too shall pass” , I plan to use this time wisely for my inner growth and pray that I can share and use any “wisps of wisdom” that I have acquired with others.
Stay safe and healthy and do not forget to meditate, because it is the key to unlocking the wisdom of your soul.
On a closing note, allow me to share a wonderful poem from the poet Kitty O’Meara. Do let her words give comfort to your heart and soul.
Peace & Joy!
“And the people stayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.” – Kitty O’Meara
Happy super full moon in Virgo everyone! I am sure that all of you have been feeling the intense energies of 2020 thus far. According to astrologers this super moon is the first super moon of several that will occur this year. A super moon means that the moon is closer to our planet and thus intensifies all of what we are feeling and or may be experiencing.
So much has been happening with us internally and externally. And it is hard to imagine that none of us have not sensed the various changes and forms of transformation that are happening on the planet at this time. These times demonstrate that the practice of care of the “Self” and all forms of meditation and mindfullness are more important than every before. We may not be able to control the events of the outer world, but we surely can control the inner.
We womyn are moon creatures, and must honour ourselves by taking time to listen to our mind, body and spirit during the phases of the moon. We can do this by creating simple rituals to honour this phase of our life cycle. Treat yourself to a relaxing bath and a warm cup of tea by candlelight. Listen to beautiful music that you love and write in your journal or speak aloud your prayers and heart’s desires to the moon.
Be creative in how you honour yourself during the full moon each month and take note of how you feel. And if you can manage to be still and listen – she will speak.
Sending you all love and moonlight!