On this day, the Northern and Southern hemispheres experience equal amounts of sunlight. And if you live anywhere on the European continent; I am sure that you have noticed that the days are becoming noticeably shorter and the nights cooler. Summer is winding down and the time of the harvest is upon us. Not only is it time for the external harvest, but for the internal one as well. Pause , take a breath and look at your own your personal harvest. What have you been able to accomplish thus far? And what are you still working on?
I love to celebrate the Fall Equinox by lighting a candle, being still and giving thanks to Mother Nature for all of her bounty. I also thank myself for all that I managed to do, and give thanks for that which is yet to come.
So on this special night, allow yourself to take a minute, be still and think about the seeds you have planted this summer and what has blossomed. And love yourself for all that you have accomplished and make space for that which is yet to come!